Cosmelan® - Dermamelan®



Mesoestetic Medical Depigmenting Method

Pigmentation is a very common problem that generates a high concern due to both its aesthetic involvement and its adverse psycho-emotional effect. Mesoestetic are specialists in depigmentation. After over 30 years investigating and researching skin imperfections, Mesoestetic has consolidated professional solutions of proven efficacy, such as Cosmelan®.  Depigmentation has become a benchmark treatment with a unique formula which successfully treats skin spots, not only to reduce the appearance, but to also control the reoccurance.  Scientists at the service of beauty makes Mesoestetic truly unique.


Cosmelan® is the leading worldwide depigmentation method to treat the most severe, resistant spots with maximum efficacy and safety. The treatment consists of a single in-clinic session along with a home cosmetic regimen, necessary to achieve the best results. The process is approximately 6 months with a dual mechanism of action. It can remove the existing spots for a short-term result while also maintaining control of the deeper pigmentation for long-lasting improvement.


Dermamelan® works similarly however on a much deeper level. Ideal for dark Melasma and other deeper forms of pigmentation, Dermamelan® treats skin discoloration while regulating the overproduction of melanin, inhibiting and controlling the reappearance of new pigmentation. The first phase consists of a medical consultation and application of the Dermamelan® Mask. Guidelines for home care are given and must be followed for optimum results. The full treatment is completed in 4 months, although results can be seen within the first few weeks. Once treatment is complete your Aesthetician will recommend other products and/or treatments to control and inhibit the reformation of pigment.

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