Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Help My Reflection Be The Best of All…
Whether you’re in your 20s or 40s, the BTL Exilis Ultra™ can enhance and/or protect your appearance. The combination of ultrasound and radio frequency will stimulate skin cells to produce collagen, reduce wrinkles and improve skin texture. The benefits of stimulating your own collagen is that collagen is deposited in an orderly, structured manner and that there is no risk of allergy, immune reaction or injection-induced infection. Therefore, 20–30 year olds can be proactively rebuilding their collagen, fiber elastins & epidermis prior to lines settling in. While 40–50 year olds can repair years of damage and deeper wrinkles.
BTL Exilis Ultra™ represents the world’s most advanced technology for tightening and facial rejuvenation. Independent studies have proven that exposure to the BTL Exilis Ultra’s high energy radiofrequency can cause skin tightening.
Patients refer to the experience as a warm stone massage. There is little to no pain, no anesthesia or downtime.
4-6 TX’s for face and neck. Treatments are generally spaced two weeks apart and will require 20–40 min depending upon the number of areas treated.
After second treatment. Optimal results will be seen 3 months post last procedure.